Under certain circumstances and with prior Landlord approval, you may be able to terminate your lease early. To begin, be sure that you are willing to agree to all of the following conditions:
- You are willing and able to locate a qualified potential tenant to rent your unit at the current market rate for a lease term of 12 months or longer. Understand that there is a limit to the number of occupants for each unit and the current pet policy in effect now may be different than your current lease. Be sure to verify thiis information with the Lessor prior to circulating information about unit availability.
- You are willing to continue to pay rent until the qualified tenant beings paying rent.
- You complete all of the move-out procedures as outlined on the lease (also listed on the website)
Again, before beginning this, you must obtain written authorization from the Lessor. If granted, you can utilize the information, photos, and videos about your unit from the FLG website and prepare advertisements with your contact information to obtains leads and exhibit the unit. You are encouraged to take better and more up-to-date photos and videos in order to provide prospects with the most accurate and recent information. Once the prospect is ready to apply for the unit, please direct them to the application under Rent-Residential: https://floridalandgroup.com/rent/apply.